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The Patent Pending Adventures of Diligent Dana

Posted by Wes Schwie | Jul 10, 2024 | 0 Comments

Dana has an idea for an invention to solve a common problem in her day-to-day life.

Dana researches the demand for her invention. She discovers a big market and believes there is a high potential for success. She waits to tell anyone about her invention since it is not yet protected.

Dana researches how to protect Intellectual Property (IP) and finds Gallium Law.

Dana schedules a free call. She learns there are approachable options to start protecting her idea using well-crafted, enforceable patents filed with the USPTO

Dana's patent attorney conducts a patent search and confirms that her idea is novel and non-obvious, which is the threshold for a U.S. patent.

Dana's patent attorney works with her to file a provisional patent application. Her filing date is now secured!

Dana can now proceed with prototyping, fundraising, manufacturing, and other business activities while keeping the idea protected. She uses NDAs and other written agreements along the way.

As her invention is refined and she gains confidence in her idea's potential, Dana adds more trademarks and patent applications to her portfolio of Intellectual Property.

Dana launches the business to rave reviews and great sales. Her customers love how much her invention improves their lives!

As competitors emerge and try to replicate her success, Dana can protect her business and maintain the right to sell her invention.

Dana's business thrives. Because of her diligence, she has options to use her invention, keep innovating, and/or license her invention. She can even decide to exit the business when her next idea comes along.

Dana is proud that she has created a positive impact in society and set an example for other aspiring inventors.

How Gallium Law Can Help

Are you in a position similar to Dana's? Do you have an innovation that you think might be eligible for IP protection? Feel free to fill out this Contact Form to schedule a free consultation.

*The information in this article is not legal advice and should not be relied on. The content of this article is for informational purposes only and is meant as a starting point in your search for answers to your legal questions.

About the Author

Wes Schwie

Wesley Schwie is the founding Principal of Gallium Law and a registered U.S. patent attorney. Wes' practice encompasses all aspects of intellectual property law, including patent and trademark prosecution, licensing, litigation, portfolio management, due diligence, and infringement and validity counseling...


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